Technology: Android

Android is the fast pacing and advanced discipline towards the technical world. Now everyone is very handy with fast growing android technology. The popular android smartphones and cellphones have based on OSs like jelly beans, kitkat and lollipop versions. It is an Google based operating system works with Java and XML Languages. With this you can learn to develop android applications and games. In this course you get interaction with android features and development programs included with the concepts of list, arrays, variables, operations with implementation of audio files in android apps and android eclipse installation etc.
Jobs in Android and Future Scope
Now everything is swapping on android apps that are easily and quickly accessible via android cellphones. So it will enhance scope in the development of mobile device, games and software etc. Jobs profiles such as Android Programmer Analyst, Android Software Developer, Android Web Programmer, Android Applications Developer for which one can get handsome salary in industry.
Courses Offered in Android
We offer Two Months duration of course.